Great Departure: Don’t ignore history

One interesting verse of the opening chapter of the book of Exodus is verse 8: “Now there arose up a new king over Egypt, which knew not Joseph”. (KJV)

How will a Pharaoh claim not to know Joseph? How on earth is that possible in Egypt, the cradle of writing civilisation; at least in Africa, next to Mesopotamia? 

I have read that none of the Egyptian histories captured the name of Joseph and all that he did in Egypt. According to a school of thought, his story was just a piece of literature. Hmm! What a way to quietly describe the Bible as a collection of mere creative/fictional stories.

How will it not be on record that a young Hebrew man, called, Joseph Jacob, once interpreted the dream of a one-time Pharaoh? Didn’t he assist Egypt to survive the seven-year famine and to become the world’s greatest supplier of grains at the period with his knowledge, dedication, and dexterity?

There once lived a wise African king

For me, Joseph was not the only wise character in this biblical story, as found in Genesis 41. The king also behaved wisely by allowing the right person to handle the task.

At the end, the entire Egypt got blessed for it. It was the land that enjoyed the benefits of having a wise ruler, engaging a wise young man. We call for such wise rulers over African countries!

Sexual Impurities: How can I?

You may have a list of excuses to justify why you should fight back at homes and families; why you should sexually abuse others and why your body, in rebellion, should be offered on every bed laid for illicit sex.